my english class exam will come!! just around the corner!!


Let's study about my english class this year.

First of all. think POSITIVE about English.

learn English is best! You can do it! (",)



1.0 Introduction

In this study we are going to investigate the number of students who are having weight problem in Southern University.

1.1 Background of the study
This study investigates students from Southern University

1.2 Purpose

A study on students who are having weight problem in Southern University./ A study on weight problem among Southern University students.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of the study are stated as follows:

i. To survey the weight problem among students.
ii. To identify the reasons for students having weight problem.
iii. To find out the effects of having weight problem.
iv. To recommend ways to reduce weight problems among students.

1.4 Scope of the study

The scope of the study is the undergraduates students at Southern University. There are about 500 students are randomly selected as our samples./

Due to time, manpower and financial constraints, only 500 Southern University students were randomly choosen to participate in this study. This study only looked into the BMI of the students of both sexes, their reasons for having weight problem and the impacts of it. (....continue)

In this study the only research tool used is questionnaire. The tool provides only surface data although they can be analysed faster and easier compared to data obtained from interviews and observations.

1.5 Significance of study

The study on weight problem among students is important for several reasons. Firstly, the physical aspects of students are as important as their mental and emotion aspects. (Sinclair, 2004)
Generally speaking, the physical aspects of the students...(continue with your own word)
(use firstly..secondly..)



2.0 Sampling

There are 500 samples in our case study. They are all undergraduates from Southern University. We have distributed 500 questionnaires to the respondents when they have break time during class in the faculty. We give to them the questionnaire to answer in 10 minutes and after that we collected it back. So, we have retrived it back 100%.


Random sampling was used in this study and the sample size is 500 students.

2.1 Questionnaires

There are a lots of instruments that we can use. But in this case the instrument that we have choose is only questionnaires. We have distributes questionnaires to 500 students of Southern University.

i. Purpose of using questionnaires

The purpose of using questionnaires is to obtain data such as the general background of the respondents, their reasons for having weight problem, their effects of having weight problem and their recommendations to overcome this problem.

ii. Advantages of using questionnaires

We choose to distribute questionnaires due to several reasons:

a. Effective cost

Questionnaires are very cost effective when compared to face-to-face interviews. This is especially true for studies in involving large sample sizes

b. Easy to analyse
Data get from respondent can be easily analyse using pie chart, graft, table and many more.

c. Familiar to most people
Nearly everyone has had some experience completing questionnaires and they generally do not make people apprehensive.

d.Reduce bias
The researcher's own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain manner. There are no verbal or visual clues to influence the respondent to answer questions.

e. Less intrusive
Questionnaires are less intrusive than telephone or face-to-face surveys. When a respondent receives a questionnaire, he is free to complete the questionnaire on his own time-table.

f. Higher number of respondent
Questionnaire can be distributed to higher number of respondent compare with other method. Large number of people can be asking to answer the questionnaire simultaneously.

g. Time saving
By using questionnaire, the researcher can obtain data from big sample in a short time compared to conducting interview and doing observation.

iii.Disadvantages of Using Questionnaires

a. Surface questions
Questions asked are not as detailed as interview questions. Thus, our respondents
were not being able to evaluate fully. Consequently, we cannot get accurate answers from respondents and it will give problems to us when analysing the data.

b. Lack of cooperation from respondents

i. Lack of seriousness

Respondents may not answer the questions seriously. They may fill up the questionnaires without thinking whether their answers are correct or not.

ii. Incomplete questionnaires

Some of the respondents may not answer all questions listed in and thus, making it more difficult to analyse the data.

iii. Inconsidarate behaviour when returning the questionnaires.
Researchers may face difficulty in collecting questionnaires since the respondents may simply drop or lose its somewhere. Consequently, the reliability and validity of our study is low.

iv. Administration of Questionnaires

We distributed 500 sets of questionnaires to the respondents. 1 group that consist of 10 members was responsible in distributing 200 sets of questionnaires to the first year respondents. Another one group that consist of 10 members was responsible in distributing 150 sets of questionnaires to the second year respondents. And the rest were responsible in distributing 150 questionnaires to third year respondents. We distributed the questionnaires for each year respondents to determine comparison weight problem between first year, second year and third year respondents. We distributed them during break time at the cafe or at the faculty; just before their lectures started. We collected the questionnaires after 10 minutes because we want to get 100% back. The researchers managed to collect all the questionnaires./

We distributed 500 sets of questionnaires to the respondents. 250 sets we distributed to male students and the rest 250 sets of questionnaires to female students. We just distributed it randomly to the students who go to the canteen. So we divided to two groups. One group will give to female students and one group will give to the male students.



3.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researchers are going to discuss about their data that have been collected from respondents. Charts are presented whenever necessary to clarify our findings. Some pictures are also shown as evidences of our findings.

3.1 Findings and discussions

From figure 1, we can see that most of students (56.4%) have normal weight which is (54%) of male and (58.8%) of female have normal weight. But more male (22%) overweight , obese(14%), and extremely obese (6%) compared to female. Female students more underweight(20%) than male (4%).
Half of students

From figure 2, the researchers found

(i've done completed this task! but unsangkarable i have sign out without publishing the post that i've been editted. So now, done! sorry for anyone who refer to it..ada ka? hehe:p)