Lagu “Haramkah” Artis “Melly Goeslaw”

Haram-Haramkah Aku
Bila Hatiku Jatuh Cinta
Tuhan Pegangi Hatiku
Biar aku Tak Jadi Melanggar
aku Cinta Pada Dirimu

Cinta Pada Pandang Pertama
Sifat Manusia Ada Padaku
aku Bukan Tuhan

Haram-Haramkah Aku
Bila aku Terus Menantimu
Biar Waktu Berakhir
Bumi dan Langit Berantakan

aku Tetap Ingin Dirimu
Tak Mungkin aku Berdusta
Hanya Tuhan Yang Bisa Jadikan
Yang Tak Mungkin Menjadi Mungkin

Reff Melly Goeslaw
aku Hanya Ingin Cinta Yang Halal
Di Mata Dunia Juga Akhirat
Biar aku Sepi aku Hampa aku Basi
Tuhan Sayang Aku

aku Hanya Ingin Cinta Yang Halal
Dengan Dia Tentu Atas Izinnya
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih
Tuhan Beri aku Cinta
ku Menanti Cinta

p/s: nape lagu ni cam kene ngan aku sekarang nie...adesh....(mengucap..2x tarik napas!//fuh...)~terase larrrr.........

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Walking...keep going!!

picture by Walking on Clouds by `gilad deviantART

Walking on a thin line
But feeling on top of the world
My legs get lighter in touch
My head is full of thoughts of you

Love is not a pocket full of dreams
Love is a never-ending journey
It\'s only when I think of you
That I find myself walking on clouds
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Think Positive

Positive. Always think Positive. SABAR..TENANG..IKHLAS..SYUKUR..REDHA..

sedikit coretan buat diri:

Ujian masih ada lagi. Stadi!!! perjalanan masih jauh dan panjang. Bukan senang nak sampai tahap ini. Jadi jangan putus asa. Biarlah kita menyedari hakikat diri. Betulkan niat kita untuk stadi dan aim kan result atau sesuatu yg hendak dicapai dalam diri kamu. Apakah matlamat dan sasaran kamu? jika kamu sudah tahu!! maka cepat-cepatlah berusaha bersungguh2 untuk merealisasikannya. Ok.

tahniah kerana berjaya membaca trigger. TAHNIAH!
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B What U Wanna B

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be

I know that we all got one thing
That we all share together
We got that one nice dream we live for
You never know what life could bring
'Cause nothing lasts forever
Just hold on to the team you play for

I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

We may have different ways to think
But it doesn't really matter
We all caught up in the steam of this life
Focus on every little thing
That's what does really matter
Luxury cars and bling that's not real life

I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Last year I used to dream about this day
Now I'm here I'm singing for you
I hope I could inspire you
'Cause I've got all the love
'Cause I've got all love for you

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be
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Aurora- Music

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Pict: Babies yg comel2

Love babies! haha..tembam, jebik,tomei..tito..lambut tegak2..aheheheheee.~~*shuke*(">)

feel like want to picit2 those babies face..(0_*)

heheheh =f

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Numerology Says that....

Your strengths: You have great potential as a leader, organizer, or builder of an institution or business. You have a vision and the capability to materialize it. You possess the capacity for great strength, but conversely you can be deeply afraid of the dimensions of your ambitions.

Your have unusual perception. Your intuition is very good and you should rely on your first impressions. You are both practical and idealistic. You tend to want to ground your ideals in realistic methods. You are not one to indulge too much in grandiose plans for their own sake. You have enormous potential for success. Many who have left a permanent stamp on humanity - inventors, NOBEL prize winners, leading artists, and statesmen - have had the 22 prominent in their charts.

Your weaknesses: You may secretly feel that nothing will measure up to your original dream. Consequently, you can turn away from your ambitions. This can result in enormous disappointment to you should you sacrifice your dream because of fear of failure.

Your challenge is to be willing to start your enterprise small and take practical steps toward enlarging it to its full scope. You have a gift for seeing both the details of a plan and how it should unfold. You are orderly and patient. You can approach a problem methodically and systematically. Your solutions tend to be unique. You keep your own counsel and have much inner strength. Conversely, you can be nervous and suffer grave doubts about yourself, which you also tend to hide.

You can be nervous and even given to paranoia, especially when your nerves become frayed or your imagination runs out of control.

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MOTIVASI DIRI : Redha akan ketentuannya. Dia yang Maha Mengetahui yang terbaik untuk kita

Kisah Penjual Tempe

Ada sebuah kampung di pedalaman Tanah Jawa. Di situ ada seorang perempuan tua yang sangat kuat beribadat. Pekerjaannya ialah membuat tempe dan menjualnya di pasar setiap hari. Ia merupakan satu-satunya sumber pendapatannya untuk menyara hidup. Tempe yang dijualnya merupakan tempe yang dibuatnya sendiri.

Pada suatu pagi, seperti biasa, ketika beliau sedang bersiap-siap untuk pergi menjual tempenya, tiba tiba dia tersedar yang tempenya yang diperbuat daripada kacang soya hari itu masih belum menjadi, separuh jadi. Kebiasaannya tempe beliau telah masak sebelum bertolak. Diperiksanya beberapa bungkusan yang lain. Ternyatalah memang kesemuanya belum masak lagi.

Perempuan tua itu berasa amat sedih sebab tempe yang masih belum menjadi pastinya tidak akan laku dan tiadalah rezekinya pada hari itu. Dalam suasana hatinya yang sedih, dia yang memang kuat beribadah teringat akan firman Tuhan yang menyatakan bahawa Tuhan dapat melakukan perkara-perkara ajaib, bahawa bagi Tuhan tiada yang mustahil.

Lalu diapun mengangkat kedua tangannya sambil berdoa , "Tuhan , aku memohon kepadaMu agar kacang soya ini menjadi tempe. Amin"

Begitulah doa ringkas yang dipanjatkan dengan sepenuh hatinya. Dia sangat yakin bahawa Tuhan pasti mengabulkan doanya. Dengan tenang perempuan tua itu menekan-nekan bungkusan bakal tempe dengan hujung jarinya dan dia pun membuka sikit bungkusan itu untuk menyaksikan keajaiban kacang soya itu menjadi tempe. Namun, dia termenung seketika sebab kacang tu masih tetap kacang soya.

Namun dia tidak putus asa, sebaliknya berfikir mungkin doanya kurang jelas didengar oleh Tuhan. Maka dia pun mengangkat kedua tangannya semula dan berdoa lagi. "Tuhan, aku tahu bahawa tiada yang mustahil bagiMu. Bantulah aku supaya hari ini aku dapat menjual tempe kerana inilah mata pencarianku. Aku mohon agar jadikanlah kacang soyaku ini kepada tempe, Amin".

Dengan penuh harapan dan debaran dia pun sekali lagi membuka sedikit bungkusan tu. Apakah yang terjadi? Dia termangu dan hairan apabila tempenya masih tetap begitu!!
Sementara itu hari pun semakin meninggi sudah tentu pasar sudah mula didatangi ramai orang. Dia tetap tidak kecewa atas doanya yang belum terkabul.

Walaubagaimanapun kerana keyakinannya yg sangat tinggi dia bercadang untuk tetap pergi ke pasar membawa barang jualannya itu. Perempuan tua itu pun berserah pada Tuhan dan meneruskan pemergian ke pasar sambil berdoa dengan harapan apabila sampai di pasar kesemua tempenya akan masak. Dia berfikir mungkin keajaiban Tuhan akan terjadi semasa perjalanannya ke pasar.

Sebelum keluar dari rumah, dia sempat mengangkat kedua tangannya untuk berdoa. "Tuhan, aku percaya, Engkau akan mengabulkan doaku. Sementara aku berjalan menuju ke pasar, Engkau kurniakanlah keajaiban ini buatku, jadikanlah tempe ini. Amin". Lalu dia pun berangkat. Di sepanjang perjalanan dia tetap tidak lupa membaca doa di dalam hatinya.

Sesampai sahaja di pasar, segera dia meletakkan barang-barangnya. Hatinya betul-betul yakin yang tempenya sekarang mesti sudah menjadi. Dengan hati yg berdebar-debar dia punmembuka bakulnya dan menekan-nekan dengan jarinya setiap bungkusan tempe yang ada.Perlahan-lahan dia membuka sedikit daun pembungkusnya dan melihat isinya. Apa yang terjadi? Tempenya masih belum menjadi!!
Dia pun kaget seketika lalu menarik nafas dalam-dalam.

Dalam hatinya sudah mula merasa sedikit kecewa dan putus asa kepada Tuhan kerana doanya tidak dikabulkan. Dia berasakan Tuhan tidak adil. Tuhan tidak kasihan padanya, inilah satu-satunya punca rezekinya, hasil jualan tempe. Dia akhirnya cuma duduk sahaja tanpa mempamerkan barang jualannya sebab dia berasakan bahawa tiada orang yang akan membeli tempe yang baru separuh menjadi.

Sementara itu hari pun semakin petang dan pasar sudah mulai sepi, para pembeli sudah mula kurang.Dia meninjau-ninjau kawan-kawan sesama penjual tempe, tempe mereka sudah hampir habis. Dia tertunduk lesu seperti tidak sanggup menghadapi kenyataan bahawa hari ini tiada hasil jualan yang boleh dibawa pulang. Namun jauh di sudut hatinya masih menaruh harapan terakhir kepada Tuhan, pasti Tuhan akan menolongnya.

Walaupun dia tahu bahawa pada hari itu dia tidak akan dapat pendapatan langsung, namun dia tetap berdoa buat kali terakhir, "Tuhan, berikanlah penyelesaian terbaik terhadap tempeku yang belum menjadi ini."

Tiba-tiba dia dikejutkan dengan teguran seorang wanita."Maaf ya, saya ingin bertanya, Makcik ada tak menjual tempe yang belum menjadi? Dari tadi saya sudah pusing keliling pasar ini untuk mencarinya tapi masih belum berjumpa lagi."

Dia termenung dan terpinga-pinga seketika. Hatinya terkejut sebab sejak berpuluh tahun menjual tempe, tidak pernah seorang pun pelanggannya mencari tempe yang belum menjadi. Sebelum dia menjawab sapaan wanita di depannya itu, cepat-cepat dia berdoa di dalam hatinya "Tuhan, saat ini aku tidak mahu tempe ini menjadi lagi. Biarlah tempe ini seperti semula, Amin".

Sebelum dia menjawab pertanyaan wanita itu, dia membuka sedikit daun penutup tempenya. Alangkah seronoknya dia, ternyata memang benar tempenya masih belum menjadi! Dia pun rasa gembira dalam hatinya dan bersyukur pada Tuhan.
Wanita itu pun memborong habis kesemua tempenya yang belum menjadi itu.

Sebelum wanita tu pergi, dia sempat bertanya wanita itu, "Mengapa hendak membeli tempe yang belum jadi?"
Wanita itu menerangkan bahawa anaknya yang kini berada di England teringin makan tempe dari desa. Memandangkan tempe itu akan dikirimkan ke England, si ibu tadi kenalah membeli tempe yang belum jadi lagi supaya apabila sampai di England nanti akan menjadi tempe yang sempurna. Kalau dikirimkan tempe yang sudah menjadi, nanti di sana tempe itu sudah tidak elok lagi dan rasanya pun kurang sedap.

Perempuan tua itu pun kehairanan dan berfikir rupa-rupanya doanya sudah pun dimakbulkan oleh Tuhan...


Pertama: Kita sering memaksakan kehendak kita kepada Tuhan sewaktu berdoa, padahal sebenarnya Tuhan lebih mengetahui apa yang kita perlukan dan apa yang terbaik untuk diri kita.

Kedua:. Sentiasalah berdoa dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian kita sebagai hambaNya yang lemah. Jangan sekali-kali berputus asa terhadap apa yang dipinta. Percayalah bahawa Tuhan akan mengabulkan doa kita sesuai dengan rancanganNya yang mungkin di luar jangkaan kita.

Ketiga : Tiada yang mustahil bagi Tuhan
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MOTIVASI DIRI : Nilai diri kita adalah pada kita yang menilainya....

Siapa Sebenarnya Kita?

Sebelum memulakan seminar, Prof. Zahin mengeluarkan sehelai wang kertas bernilai RM100 dari dompetnya. Kemudian wang itu ditayangkan kepada 50 orang pesertanya.

"Siapa nak duit ni?" tanya Prof Zahin..Semua peserta mengangkat tangan."Saya akan berikan duit ini kepada salah seorang daripada kamu, tapi izinkan saya membuat sesuatu dahulu ". Prof Zahin meramas-ramas duit itu hingga renyuk.

Kemudian dia menunjukkan duit yang sudah renyuk itu dan bertanya: "Ada sesiapa yang nak duit ini lagi?"Hampir semua pesertanya mengangkat tangan. Prof Zahin mengangguk dan mencebikkan bibir.

"Okey apa kata kalau saya buat macam ni?" Duit RM100 itu dicampakkan dan di tenyeh-tenyeh dengan kasutnya..Prof Zahin memungutnya semula lalu diletakkan di atas meja. Wang kertas itu bukan sahaja renyuk tetapi juga kotor.

"Sekarang siapa nak duit ni?" tanya Prof Zahin. Selesai dia bertanya, lebih separuh daripada jumlah pesertanya masih mengangkat tangan.

"Okay, apa yang boleh kita kutip daripada peristiwa itu tadi?" tanya Prof Zahin lagi. Pesertanya hanya diam, dan sesetengahnya hanya menggelengkan kepala. Mereka masih tidak dapat menangkap apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh Prof Zahin.

"Walau apapun yang saya lakukan pada duit ini, kamu tetap akan mahukannya. Betul tak? Kamu tahu kenapa? Kerana nilainya tidak berubah walaupun dipijak dan ditenyeh dengan kasut.""RM100 tetap RM100 walaupun 10 kali dipijak." kata Prof Zahin. Semua peserta yang mendengar kata-katanya hanya tersenyum.

Prof Zahin mengaitkan peristiwa itu dengan kehidupan seharian. Sering kali di dalam hidup,setiap orang akan merasai kejatuhan, hati hancur, ataupun dihina. Hinggakan suatu ketika kita akan merasa diri kita tidak berguna langsung.

"Tetapi walau apapun yang telah terjadi, ataupun yang akan terjadi, anda tidak akan hilang harga diri. Bersih atau kotor, renyuk atau licin, anda tetap berharga terutama pada mereka yang disayangi."

"Harga diri kita bukan datang daripada apa yang kita lakukan atau siapa yang kita kenal tapi siapa sebenarya kita?" jelas Prof Zahin.

Semua peserta ternganga mendengar penerangan profesor itu dan mereka lantas mengiyakan kebenaran kata-kata profesor itu...

Moral: Harga diri kita bukan datang daripada apa yang kita lakukan atau siapa yang kita kenal tapi siapa sebenarya diri kita. Kita sendiri yang menilai diri kita... dan itulah nilainya.
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Chicken Ala Carte

Let's us take n think something from this story. Be grateful to what God have give to us!
Don't membazir sana sini. And be thankful that we still have food to eat and live in the good condition. And i just give my opinion. Let's us help and love each other.
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Cabutan Bertuah from My baby shop online

i would like to join this contest..cabutan bertuah from My baby shop online..huhu
hope that i can get it..lala

this contest would close toningt at 1 a.m

haha..mybe i still have time right now..
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i walk around using uncle Google and then i found this contest
~ngee.. and i like to try it. Who knows i win it. lalalala~

this is the first giveaway that i have join and also this is the first giveaway from BAZAR KERONGSANG..we are same lah..huhu i just try my luck..

anyone who want to join still have chances..=)


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my english class exam will come!! just around the corner!!


Let's study about my english class this year.

First of all. think POSITIVE about English.

learn English is best! You can do it! (",)



1.0 Introduction

In this study we are going to investigate the number of students who are having weight problem in Southern University.

1.1 Background of the study
This study investigates students from Southern University

1.2 Purpose

A study on students who are having weight problem in Southern University./ A study on weight problem among Southern University students.

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of the study are stated as follows:

i. To survey the weight problem among students.
ii. To identify the reasons for students having weight problem.
iii. To find out the effects of having weight problem.
iv. To recommend ways to reduce weight problems among students.

1.4 Scope of the study

The scope of the study is the undergraduates students at Southern University. There are about 500 students are randomly selected as our samples./

Due to time, manpower and financial constraints, only 500 Southern University students were randomly choosen to participate in this study. This study only looked into the BMI of the students of both sexes, their reasons for having weight problem and the impacts of it. (....continue)

In this study the only research tool used is questionnaire. The tool provides only surface data although they can be analysed faster and easier compared to data obtained from interviews and observations.

1.5 Significance of study

The study on weight problem among students is important for several reasons. Firstly, the physical aspects of students are as important as their mental and emotion aspects. (Sinclair, 2004)
Generally speaking, the physical aspects of the students...(continue with your own word)
(use firstly..secondly..)



2.0 Sampling

There are 500 samples in our case study. They are all undergraduates from Southern University. We have distributed 500 questionnaires to the respondents when they have break time during class in the faculty. We give to them the questionnaire to answer in 10 minutes and after that we collected it back. So, we have retrived it back 100%.


Random sampling was used in this study and the sample size is 500 students.

2.1 Questionnaires

There are a lots of instruments that we can use. But in this case the instrument that we have choose is only questionnaires. We have distributes questionnaires to 500 students of Southern University.

i. Purpose of using questionnaires

The purpose of using questionnaires is to obtain data such as the general background of the respondents, their reasons for having weight problem, their effects of having weight problem and their recommendations to overcome this problem.

ii. Advantages of using questionnaires

We choose to distribute questionnaires due to several reasons:

a. Effective cost

Questionnaires are very cost effective when compared to face-to-face interviews. This is especially true for studies in involving large sample sizes

b. Easy to analyse
Data get from respondent can be easily analyse using pie chart, graft, table and many more.

c. Familiar to most people
Nearly everyone has had some experience completing questionnaires and they generally do not make people apprehensive.

d.Reduce bias
The researcher's own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain manner. There are no verbal or visual clues to influence the respondent to answer questions.

e. Less intrusive
Questionnaires are less intrusive than telephone or face-to-face surveys. When a respondent receives a questionnaire, he is free to complete the questionnaire on his own time-table.

f. Higher number of respondent
Questionnaire can be distributed to higher number of respondent compare with other method. Large number of people can be asking to answer the questionnaire simultaneously.

g. Time saving
By using questionnaire, the researcher can obtain data from big sample in a short time compared to conducting interview and doing observation.

iii.Disadvantages of Using Questionnaires

a. Surface questions
Questions asked are not as detailed as interview questions. Thus, our respondents
were not being able to evaluate fully. Consequently, we cannot get accurate answers from respondents and it will give problems to us when analysing the data.

b. Lack of cooperation from respondents

i. Lack of seriousness

Respondents may not answer the questions seriously. They may fill up the questionnaires without thinking whether their answers are correct or not.

ii. Incomplete questionnaires

Some of the respondents may not answer all questions listed in and thus, making it more difficult to analyse the data.

iii. Inconsidarate behaviour when returning the questionnaires.
Researchers may face difficulty in collecting questionnaires since the respondents may simply drop or lose its somewhere. Consequently, the reliability and validity of our study is low.

iv. Administration of Questionnaires

We distributed 500 sets of questionnaires to the respondents. 1 group that consist of 10 members was responsible in distributing 200 sets of questionnaires to the first year respondents. Another one group that consist of 10 members was responsible in distributing 150 sets of questionnaires to the second year respondents. And the rest were responsible in distributing 150 questionnaires to third year respondents. We distributed the questionnaires for each year respondents to determine comparison weight problem between first year, second year and third year respondents. We distributed them during break time at the cafe or at the faculty; just before their lectures started. We collected the questionnaires after 10 minutes because we want to get 100% back. The researchers managed to collect all the questionnaires./

We distributed 500 sets of questionnaires to the respondents. 250 sets we distributed to male students and the rest 250 sets of questionnaires to female students. We just distributed it randomly to the students who go to the canteen. So we divided to two groups. One group will give to female students and one group will give to the male students.



3.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researchers are going to discuss about their data that have been collected from respondents. Charts are presented whenever necessary to clarify our findings. Some pictures are also shown as evidences of our findings.

3.1 Findings and discussions

From figure 1, we can see that most of students (56.4%) have normal weight which is (54%) of male and (58.8%) of female have normal weight. But more male (22%) overweight , obese(14%), and extremely obese (6%) compared to female. Female students more underweight(20%) than male (4%).
Half of students

From figure 2, the researchers found

(i've done completed this task! but unsangkarable i have sign out without publishing the post that i've been editted. So now, done! sorry for anyone who refer to it..ada ka? hehe:p)

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Blog is a good thing for me to try

Bloggging about my self here..heheh excited!!!
i wanna make this blog in english to improve my english language vocabulary..I hope that I can success in my life and and I will make my family happy. Amin.

I like this cartoon character Bob the Builder! And I hope I will be A builder one day. But not like him. heheh..*wink* because I don't like to use hammer.
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